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Become a Dancer!

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    Why Dance?
  • Experience a life-changing event that you will never forget.

  • Have fun with your friends and meet new people.

  • Reach out and help people in your community.

  • Be a part of something that makes a difference.

  • Develop great leadership skills.

  • Make your resume stand out to employers.

  • Have fun and BEElieve in the Kids!

How do I get involved?

The first step is to register! Click the register button in the header of the website and follow the prompts to sign up as a dancer! Once Morale Captains are picked, you will be able to join whichever team you want! Your MC will provide fundraising resources, plan social activities to meet people, and keep you informed of what’s happening within the organization. You can also follow our social media accounts to stay up to date on information too!


How much do I have to fundraise?

Each Dancer is asked to raise money throughout the year. Our minimum fundraising goal is $100.


There are many ways to raise money – from canning throughout the Quad Cities, to writing letters to family members asking for donations. You can even utilize social media by sharing your donor drive link! Many students also hold their own fundraisers: bake sales, art, nannying, yard work, pet sitting, and MORE!


We will not turn you down at the event if you have not met the minimum, but fundraising is a huge part of Dance Marathon and everything is about the kids! If you need ideas for how to fundraise or financial assistance, contact us by emailing


What if I don't know anyone in Dance Marathon?

We love new dancers! Your Morale Captain will be your main resource for getting involved and meeting others! Every year we have 600 dancers, so you will have the opportunity to make new friends while making miracles!

Or, even better, invite all of your friends to sign up to be a dancer as well!


I am not a good dancer.

Don't worry! Our motto is "Bad Dancing Saves Lives!" 


There is a LOT more to Dance Marathon than just dancing! In fact, it's mostly other things. It's all for the cause and to show our support for the families. Aside from that, dancing is not the only thing that goes on at Dance Marathon.


Throughout the year we have many different opportunities and events to support DM that don't involve dancing. Even at the Big Event our Entertainment and Logistics committee offers TONS of fun things to do that don't involve dancing!


Do you have to dance and stand for 13.1 hours?

Don't be discouraged to come if you aren't able to stand or dance for 13.1 hours! We encourage everyone of every ability to join our organization.

Dance Marathon is a really incredible experience that is hard to put into words until you actually experience it for yourself!


We stand in celebration of the funds we raise. While donating money is appreciated, taking the stand gives you a glimpse into the everyday lives of the kids who are treated at your local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. It’s sometimes uncomfortable but we stand in solidarity so that kids know they are not fighting alone.


Is Dance Marathon one day a year?

No! The day after the Big Event, the next Executive Board gets to work planning the new year! DM is most known for our Big Event in March, but we are busy with activities YEAR ROUND!

Throughout the year Dance Marathon hosts family events, social activities, and fundraising activities. Dance Marathon is what you make it. You can be as involved as you like! Follow us on Facebook to receive notifications of our upcoming events!


Who are the kiddos?
The families that Dance Marathon supports are QC Area families that have a kiddo with pediatric illness who has been treated at our local Children's Miracle Network Hospital, at The University of Iowa! 


You will have the opportunity to meet some of our families and the kiddos at various events throughout the year AND many of them join us at our Big Event!


Read more about our families on our 'Miracle Families' page.


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Dance Marathon is a yearlong celebration of life to provide financial support to our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in Iowa City - the University of Iowa Health Care Stead Family Children’s Hospital. St. Ambrose University Dance Marathon (SAUDM) emotionally supports numerous families local to the Quad Cities Area who are or have been treated at UIHCSFCH. At SAUDM - we ‘BEElieve in the Kids.’

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