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Are you interested in becoming a Children's Miracle Network Family or know of someone that would be? You have come to the right place!


Becoming a Miracle Family with St. Ambrose University provides you and your family with opportunities to receive endless support, love, and fun moments! SAU students and staff work year-round to organize different events and activities with the ultimate shared goal of creating meaningful connections with our families!


St. Ambrose University Dance Marathon supports our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in Iowa City. A family who has had a kiddo receive treatment at the University of Iowa Health care Stead Family Children’s Hospital is able to be involved in SAU Dance Marathon.


If you have any questions or are interested in learning more, please contact us at or reach out to your local CMN hospital to get involved with an organization near you!


The Dance Marathon is not just a yearly dance get together it is a monthly party.  We all look forward to the monthly get-togethers.  


These students have been our family the last few years. Calling, texting, Facebooking, snapchat, and personal messaging us to check up to see how we are doing. We feel we have such a big family that cares and loves us continually.  


We know Abigail and Elizabeth have come out of their shells because the students make them feel so comfortable and us all feel so very special. 



-Glenda Ziolkowski, Mother 


Dance Marathon has been a part of every aspect of our kid's lives since before they were a year old. Dancers, committee and exec members have all become literally, a part of our family. They come for family vacations, celebrations and more.


When I ask my kids what Dance Marathon means to them, the first word they think of is family. When they imagine their futures, they think of being dancers themselves and doing more for other kids and I can't ask for better role models for my kids than the dancers of today!



-Melissa Johnson, Mother 

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Dance Marathon is a yearlong celebration of life to provide financial support to our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in Iowa City - the University of Iowa Health Care Stead Family Children’s Hospital. St. Ambrose University Dance Marathon (SAUDM) emotionally supports numerous families local to the Quad Cities Area who are or have been treated at UIHCSFCH. At SAUDM - we ‘BEElieve in the Kids.’

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