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On behalf of the 2023-2024 Dance Marathon Executive Board, we want to thank you for choosing to be a part of Dance Marathon at St. Ambrose University. Dance Marathon is one of the largest student-led philanthropies in the nation and SAU DM has been nationally recognized each year. Last year, SAU DM raised $192, 831.12 for the University of Iowa's Children's Hospital, our local Children's Miracle Network hospital. 


A lot of work goes into making Dance Marathon successful. A majority of the outcome comes from you, the dancer. It takes each and every person to make SAU DM a success, and this is where your personal fundraising efforts come in. We will try our best to provide you with fundraising events to attend, but YOUR personal fundraising efforts make all the difference! 


These donations help fund many areas of hospital need, such as enhancements and program support, education, research, and primary equipment. The results of these donations help improve the quality of life of the children and their families, along with providing education and research of current illnesses and future treatments. Specifically, St. Ambrose Dance Marathon has recently gifted the hospital a Child Life Resource Space in the New University of Iowa Children’s Hospital.


Remember that it's okay to ask for donations (even if it seems kinda uncomfortable). The money is for our kiddos that can't wait. Rejection is bound to happen and that's okay! Every dollar you raise counts and makes a difference!


The SAU Dance Marathon Executive Board is so excited for another amazing year, and we are looking forward to what we can all accomplish! 


BEElieve in the Kids!

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What is being a dancer?

What is dance marathon?

Have any questions you may have about DM answered here!

Get ahead on your fundraising with tips from our fundraising director!




Check out our Morale Monday posts on Instagram to learn more about our morale teams & pick a team to join!

The DM journey doesn't stop when you graduate! Find resources here!



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