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Each year, several Dance Marathon chair positions open up prior to the Fall semester to assist with summer duties. The remaining, unlisted positions will go live in the Fall semester. Contact The President or the respective Director with any specific questions. 

FAMILY RELATIONS COMMITTEE | Communication Chair (6)

Description: This year we are looking to fill six communication chair positions. Each communication chair will be assigned certain miracle families to communicate with throughout the year. These conversations facilitate trust with the families and allow information between the director and committee to be reinforced. Depending on the family’s preferences, chairs may communicate weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc., and will need to be comfortable with making phone calls and writing emails. Chairs can expect an extra meeting with the FR Director each week in addition to the regular committee meetings. Confidential information may be shared with the chair, which is then relayed to the director; all information relayed is expected to be handled appropriately and maturely. Family Relations committee experience is recommended, but not required. 

Access the Application Here!

As a Community Outreach chair, you will need to be expected to oversee and attend meetings with high schools that are interested in hosting a "mini" Dance Marathon. As a chair, being dedicated and having good communication skills are very important. You will need to be able to gather information from the high schools and then relay this information to the rest of the committee at our weekly meetings. You will also be responsible for keeping close contact with the director and making sure you are both on the same page at all times. Most importantly, your job is making sure that we have a good relationship with the high schools, their mini is a success, and we are spreading DM love all over the Quad Cities!
Access the Application Here!
FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE | Food Night and Canning Chair (1)

This chair will be asked to start working with the Fundraising Director right away in the summer. This chair will work closely with the director to brainstorm new fundraising ideas for the upcoming year. This chair will be in charge of contacting local businesses by phone or email and organizing food nights throughout the year. This chair will delegate tasks for committee members to call businesses for food nights and other donations. Overall, looking for someone committed to bringing creativity, leadership, & FUN to our fundraising team.

Access the Application Here!


MORALE COMMITTEE | Communications and Logistics Chair (1)

This chair will work directly with the Morale Director to create various email templates for Morale Captains, receive feedback from dancers, and ensure that there is efficient and effective communication between all Morale Captains, Dancers, and the Morale Director. They will assist in tracking all team and Morale Captain communications throughout the year. Other tasks will include coming up with weekly/monthly meeting bonding ideas as well as helping with theme hour costumes, ensuring that every Morale Captain has their costumes in time. 

Must be able to: 

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to track MC tasks 

  • Strong time management skills

  • Strong communication skills

  • Strong organizational skills

MORALE COMMITTEE | Retention and Recruitment Chair (1)
This chair will be responsible for DM13 recruitment efforts and aid in retention along with the Color Wars chair. A key aspect of this position is coming up with new, appealing, and fun recruitment, retention, and fundraising ideas, which will involve working closely with the Morale and Fundraising Directors. This could include food-related, sport-related, and game-related ideas. This person will work alongside the Morale Director as well as the Morale Captains to plan recruitment events within each color group as well as helping groups come up with recruitment ideas themselves. 
Must be able to:
  • Strong time management skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Outgoing and friendly personality
  • Creativity to plan and successfully execute recruitment events 
MORALE COMMITTEE | Color Wars Chair (1)

This chair will work with the Morale Director to focus mainly on gaining more participants and overall dancer retention. They will be held responsible for tracking color war points at various events throughout the year and must update color points on a spreadsheet. Must work closely with the VP of Finance to track other color points from canning and other fundraising. This chair should be able to bring creative ideas about incentives for recruitment, events, and color wars in general. 

Must be able to: 

  • Expected to stay on top of updating color war points

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to track color war points

  • Strong time management skills

  • Strong communication skills

  • Strong organizational skills

Access all Morale Chair Applications Here!​


As the Logistics Chair, you will be responsible for meeting with and maintaining business relations. When meeting with these businesses, you will be selling Dance Marathon and seeing how they could partner with us for the Big Event. You will work closely with the Entertainment & Logistics Director to find and contact these businesses. Your main responsibility at the Big Event will be ensuring the entertainment has arrived and is in the correct place.

As logistics chair, you will also be responsible for contacting and organizing the volunteers who help out at the Big Event. You will be an administrator to a website open for family and friends to sign up and volunteer. You will work closely with the Entertainment and Logistics Director to coordinate where we need volunteers and how many we need at each station. 

As the Logistics Chair, you must be organized while working with these details. Since you will be working closely with the director, you will be the director's right hand and will be trusted with important responsibilities. In addition, be prepared to take on additional responsibilities relevant to the Entertainment and Logistics Committee as a whole.


As the Catering Chair, you will be responsible for meeting and maintaining relations with different food businesses. When meeting with these businesses, you will be selling Dance Marathon and seeing how they could partner with us for the Big Event. You will work closely with the Entertainment & Logistics Director to find and contact these businesses. Your main responsibility at the Big Event will be ensuring the food has arrived and is in the correct place.

As the Catering Chair, you will need well-rounded organizational and professional communication skills, both with businesses and committee members. You will also need problem-solving skills when consulting donations from businesses. In addition, be prepared to take on additional responsibilities relevant to the Entertainment and Logistics Committee as a whole.
Access all Entertainment and Logistics Chair Applications Here!

Applications are due Tuesday, June 11th @ 10:00 PM ​ 
Interviews will be held Monday, June 12th through Thursday, June 15th

Email your completed application to
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Dance Marathon is a yearlong celebration of life to provide financial support to our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in Iowa City - the University of Iowa Health Care Stead Family Children’s Hospital. St. Ambrose University Dance Marathon (SAUDM) emotionally supports numerous families local to the Quad Cities Area who are or have been treated at UIHCSFCH. At SAUDM - we ‘BEElieve in the Kids.’

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